Liquid Rhythm Updated to Version 1.4.2!
This release of Liquid Rhythm 1.4.2 brings numerous fixes, improvements, and delectable treats. (Treats are for Max for Live users this time around only – sorry everyone else :). In all fairness, however, this feature for Max for Live users is one that’s always been available for everyone else; standalone and VST, AU users. It’s the ability to audition voices and instruments from within Liquid Rhythm.
The workflow is simple: Drag and drop an instance of the Liquid Rhythm max patch to every track that contains an instrument you want to audition with Liquid Rhythm.
Check out the quick tutorial video here:
For new trial users, please click on the download link below. For current users download a copy of the latest version here.
Oh, and just one more thing… We’ve added a shortcut link to download the latest version from within Liquid Rhythm’s Help menu.
Note: To use the Max for Live Clips plugin in Ableton Live 9, update Live to the latest version, and update your Max to version 6.1.6 before installing Liquid Rhythm. (the Max update must be installed first.)
What’s New in 1.4.2?
The list below summarizes the new features, workflow improvements, and bug fixes included in the latest version.
Major Improvements
- (Max for Live plugin mode): Added sample audition ability to Liquid Rhythm as Max for Live plugin mode. (Audition buttons are grey, round buttons in the track headers in Liquid Rhythm.) To audition samples on multiple Live tracks, load multiple instances of the Liquid Rhythm Max patch on each track.
- Sonar X3 and Music Creator 6 is now a supported DAW with Liquid Rhythm
Features & Improvements
- Added a new in-application help video for the BeatForm and BarForm Maps.
- Added a direct link to the latest version of Liquid Rhythm in the Help menu.
- Added alternative algorithm for synchronizing the playhead with a host’s transport in VST mode.
- Added ability to drag and drop BeatForms from the Tumbler into the Arranger.
- (Max for Live plugin mode): Fixed an issue where selecting a clip in older versions of Ableton Live 9 could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where the Tumbler could remember a null BeatForm and cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue with MIDI mapping the Groove slider in the Accent Modifiers.
- Small update to the splash screen.
- (Max for Live plugin mode): Fixed an issue where the incorrect version was displayed on the Max patch.
- (Max for Live plugin mode): Fixed an issue where selecting a clip from an older version of Ableton Live could cause error on startup.
- Windows installer would fail to install the Application icons.
- Fixed an issue where dragging a BeatForm outside the arranger quickly could sometime cause an error report.
- Fixed an error that could happen when pressing Solo button while selecting Undo / Redo.
- Right-clicking on the BeatForm Tumbler dials could cause an error if edits to the Beatform palette were made immediately before before that action. Fixed.
Known Issues and Limitations
- Launching Liquid Rhythm for the first time may cause Mac OSX to suggest the file is unknown, and to move it to the trash. Refer to this to get around this issue: http://www.wavedna.com/liquid-rhythm-mac-security/
- (Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode): Windows users may experience repeated crashes while attempting to load Liquid Rhythm Max patch. Please see this link for help: http://www.wavedna.com/known-issue-max-live-ableton-live-causing-liquid-rhythm-crash/
- The Guided Walkthrough option is disabled in the startup screen – we found an issue that we will fix for next release.
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone may not launch for Windows 8 users. Right-click on the application and choose “Run as Administrator.”
- Option-clicking on a pattern to audition it (in the BarForm or BeatForm Maps) will not audition if the BeatWeaver is not open.
- Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving MIDI tracks around in live while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
- Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving the Liquid Rhythm Max plugin, or any of its Audition plugins around while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
- Overdub recording mode is glitchy.
- Real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
- Repeatedly pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
- MIDI scripting for some devices (QuNeo, Livid Base) is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for other modes.
- Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
- MIDI Mapping track-specific controls (such as volume, solo, mute) can be lost after quitting Liquid Rhythm and relaunching.
- No automatic software updates or notifications (yet).
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